About this site

As I have moved through my working life, I have often found myself dealing with unfamiliar situations. In addition I spent some time as a consultant. To be successful in this role, or indeed in any role, it is helpful to have a toolkit - a library of resources that help us to deal with the situations and issues our work throws at us.

I read widely on topics like leadership, influence, getting results, effective communication, and keeping life balanced. I also read current affairs, technology trends, and articles on psychology.

I use training sites, books, audiobooks, relevant publications and podcasts, and of course, conversations with my peers and colleagues, to continually "sharpen the saw" (in the words of the late, great, Steven Covey).

I try to apply this learning to my working life, and that leads to new learning. In this site I attempt to continually document some of the things I have learned that could help others.

About me

I'm Dermot Hennessy. I have been in the world of work for 23 years and counting, primarily as a manager, technologist, and educator. I have learned some things the hard way, and others, from the many great people I have met along the way.

I am one of those people who prefer broader experiences to deeper ones, and I love to dip my toe into new disciplines.

I've worked in public and private sector. I've worked for tiny start-ups and global giants. I have wide experience in roles of increasing seniority, both as an individual contributor, and as part of numerous management and leadership teams.

Recently I found that people tend to ask me for advice a bit, so I took my courage in both hands and decided to start a blog.

I offer the contents of this site as some food for thought for those who might care to apply my experiences and learnings to their circumstances. There is no particular order as of yet - I write something every couple of days when something takes my attention, or when I learn something new.

All opinions, points of view and statements in this page are mine and mine alone, save where explicitly declared to come from someone else.

Contact me


Contact me by mail by clicking this link. Alternatively, leave a comment below. I'd love to hear genuine feedback.